The Owen is 3 party continues ...
And good news! Mom came home from the hospital today! The pneumonia was (and is) severe and she begins a prescription for a heavy-duty antibiotic in the morning, ending all nursing of Maya for a week. We picked up some formula today to tide us over, and Amy will pump and dump until she's ready to nurse again. (Good thing the Aalberts men have already had such good a experience giving Maya her first bottles the past couple days ...)

Still, Owen's birthday-cake-candle wishes worked and Mom is back. We're all very happy.
We really had a good birthday celebration, despite the peculiar circumstances. We began the day with a special donut breakfast and his first birthday party of the day ... at the hospital.
Our celebration garnered a lot of attention from patients and staff, who weren't expecting to see a new toy mower and a Mylar balloon in their wing today.

While we were at the party, Amy's doctor came in to tell her he thought she could go home.
It was an added treat to bring Mom home at the end of the morning. When we got to our house, Owen had some lunch then went to daycare for the afternoon to have a nap, play with his friends, and enjoy some special birthday Dilly Bars we brought as a special treat for all of the kids.
When we got home tonight, he played with his mower outside and we had dinner and opened a few more packages. The partying will continue into the weekend as all of his grandparents will be coming to town to toast the birthday boy.