While there, Maya got her DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, aka whooping cough) and Rotavirus immunizations. Owen held her hand and told her everything would be all right, that Dr. Rosa is a very good doctor.
Her checkup comes on the heels of a very busy weekend with my family. Daniel and Erica flew in from Massachusetts for a long Memorial Day weekend visit. They drove down to Normal with my mom and dad on Friday afternoon to meet Maya and get some good playing time in with Owen.
Her checkup comes on the heels of a very busy weekend with my family. Daniel and Erica flew in from Massachusetts for a long Memorial Day weekend visit. They drove down to Normal with my mom and dad on Friday afternoon to meet Maya and get some good playing time in with Owen.
Maya was all comfortable and napping, in no mood to put on a show, but Owen was on his A-game. He ran around the house, played shy with his Aunt Erica (who he seems eager to impress), and showed everyone how fast he can pedal his big wheel.

We took family photos on Saturday morning then headed up to my folks' house for some more time together. Our first overnight with both kids was made easier by many hands eager to help out with busy little bodies.
Maya is becoming much more alert. She's happy to sit and watch things, soaking in her surroundings. Like Owen was as a baby, she was fascinated with the light fixture in my parents' entryway.
She has also showed major interest in watching her brother play. She took a real shine to watching him construct some Lego toys with his uncle Daniel. She did the same last night when he was putting some new things together with us at home.
And, of course, she got a lot of good cuddle time in with everyone, including Uncle Daniel and her great aunt Lorie.