Let's start things off with a really cute picture of Maya sleeping.
That said, this is a prank that will never happen again. Well, at least not until she exacts her revenge years from now when I'm in a nursing home ...

Maya: Remember, honey, I have it coming. Give me your best.
Anyway, Maya has been sleeping well (a five hour chunk last night) and Owen has been Mr. Busy. We've been enjoying our weekly trips to the pool. Owen has also been helping in the kitchen. And his Grandpa Aalberts will be delighted to learn Owen thinks it's fun when he gets to help us wash dishes.
Owen has also taken a shine to bringing water to the ducks who live in the creek in our back yard. And yes, we indulged him by letting him actually pour some water for them to drink into the creek.
Sure, I know it's environmentally questionable. But hopefully it's an energy we can re-channel into something more beneficial to nature. We'll try again today. There are new ducklings out back who I'm sure we're going to have to check on soon.