Thursday, March 25, 2010


Happy birthday, dear Maya!

Our wonderful girl is two and had a very good day.

The morning started a bit crazy. Maya woke up drenched and began her twos with a bath. Owen woke up, frankly, feeling a bit under attended and was a bit mischief-prone as he tried to shift the focus back to himself.

It was what it was.

That said, he was as good as gold tonight. He did a very nice job making his little sister feel special ... even though the silliness level was a bit higher than normal.

The following video pretty much tells the entire story.

Following the busy birthday celebration with family, today was actually very low key. Maya enjoyed the treats we brought for her friends at school, and she had some balloons this morning. Both sets of grandparents called tonight, and I got from school early, giving us a lot more time together.

And, of course, there were candles, cupcakes, and one "real mess!"

So happy birthday, Maya! We love you!

And just to ensure we end on a truly positive image, here's another little movie of Maya navigating the house in a new set of high heels she got from our friends the Merrills.

I think she does pretty good.

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