Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lazy day

I couldn't go a day without posting a few new pictures. Lord knows there are grandparents out there who would curse me all the way to bed tonight.

It was a very relaxing day for Maya , lounging around the house with anyone who will hold her. (There is no shortage of volunteers.) She's really been a dream. She knocked off two more four-hour stretches of sleep again last night. She's been going to sleep a little later than we normally do, but Joel went to see El Vez (who was awesome!) perform at the BCPA, so even that wasn't such a big deal as we all went to bed a bit later anyway.
Owen's had a more interesting day. He went to the Discovery Museum with his Grammie Ives this morning. He then missed his nap and was a bundle of energy the rest of the day, until a drive to the mall with his dad finally knocked him into dreamland.
Needless to say, his sleep schedule got way off with his 4:45-6:15 nap. He is still wide awake now, almost two hours after his bedtime. I was typing holding Maya a few minutes ago when she started to cry after wetting through. She was wailing when we walked past Owen's door and I heard him yell, "My baby sister is crying! My baby sister is crying! Do something!"

Big brothering is hard work.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Maya ... a great sleeper, a speedy delivery

A great night's sleep for Maya! She came to bed with us around 11 pm and wasn't up again until 3 am. We were up for about an hour then (she, no doubt reveling in the glory of the five ... yes five ... poops that came for her between 10 pm and 4 am), but she's mostly been snoozing peacefully since she got home.

While she's napping, I thought this would be a good time to tell the birth story (at least from my side).
Tuesday morning began like any other day. When Amy woke up I had already been to the gym and was working Owen into the tub, where he was looking forward to playing with his new Crayola bathtub crayons. Amy came in and took over. They played, I showered. I took over and got Owen ready while Amy showered. And when I went to work at 8 am Amy said, "See you at lunchtime!"

A morning like usual.

A little after 9:00, Amy called and said. "Hey. Just a head's up I'm having some cramps that are a little harder than normal. Nothing major. But make sure you keep your phone with you."

We talked again at 10:00, as I was on my way to an interview at WJBC. Again, things were status quo. Amy's contractions were harder, but again nothing imperative. She'd arranged for Owen to go across the street to play with his good friend Philip and had called our doula, Rachel (below), to give her a head's up as well. Rachel was going to put her stuff together and come up to B-N from her home in Clinton to be close when we needed her. Amy told me to go ahead and do my interview, but call before I went in to record two radio ads at 10:30.

At 10:30, I asked "Should I come home now, or can I get these ads done quickly?" "I think you're OK to do them," she said. "OK," I said, "but I'll come home right afterward."

Looking back at all of these conversations, it's easy to see how they were based on the timeline we had in our minds from Owen's birth. The day before he was born, Amy began having regular contractions. We timed them from one every 10 to 15 minutes down to one every seven or eight throughout the day. She then began having them more regularly throughout the night until we finally went into the Birth Center around 4 am and delivering Owen, in a water birth after 45 minutes of pushing, at 7:21 am.
Boy was this different.

I got in the car at 10:55. My phone rang a couple of minutes later: Amy's sister Pam saying, "Amy says come home ... hold on, just a minute ... she says come home NOW!"

I made it home as quickly as I could. At 11:05 I arrived home to find Rachel already with her. Amy's water had just broken. Pam and I quickly gathered all of our stuff, I got the car pulled up, and we were off.

I my haste, I forgot to get my bag packed with my swim suit. We were hoping to have Amy labor in the tub again, so I called Pam, who was going to get Owen his lunch and off to daycare, and asked her to bring it.

We arrived at the hospital at 11:40.

The valets took the car, I missed the elevator with Amy and Rachel, but met them in the OB area, birth ball in hand. The nurses found a room for us. They were moving with no great haste, no doubt also thinking there was plenty of time, as evidenced by their trying to get Amy to pant away contractions and not push.

While they were still asking us questions about her name, social security #, health history, etc., a nurse came in to check how far Amy was dialated. Amy said "I can really feel her head down there ..."

Obviously the nurse could too. "Yep, she's fully dialated."

For me, this was the best moment. All of a sudden our delivery room turned from a lazy walk in the park with the OB nurses to a major code red operation.

Impressively, the nurse who had just checked Amy never broke face, She turned on her heels after announcing the dialation and, without losing her cool in front of us, walked out of the room. I'd love to know what she said outside, because all of a sudden there were four more nurses back in the room pulling equipment together. Machines were plugged in, blankets came out of nowhere, plastic bags and towels appeared.


The next thing I saw, Amy, who was still on her side lifted a leg and there was the baby's head. Nurse Karen (below) moved into position and, after no more than 45 seconds of intense pushing, caught caught the baby.

It was 11:56.

Amy got to hold her immediately. Then I took her over to a warmer where a nurse and I cleaned her up and got her weighed and measured. The doctor arrived, laughing at being too late.

Around the same time, Pam arrived with my bag ... Amy was getting a few stitches, so Pam had a great opportunity to hold the baby, who at that moment was just 20 minutes old.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Maya comes home!

Even though the hospital just added her to its View the Newborns web page, Maya spent most of the day at home. We got her home just after lunch.

She was visited this morning by our terrific pediatrician, Dr. Rosa, who gave her a clean bill of health. Dr. Rosa also gave her biggest fan, Owen, a nice lesson about his new family, drawing faces on his fingers, tallest to shortest, to show him his daddy (middle), mommy (ring), Owen (pointer) and Maya (pinkie). He was delighted! But she wasn't done. Before she left, there were faces on all of his fingers, on all of the fingers of one of her hands, and on dad's fingers as well.
We love Dr. Rosa!

Bringing Maya home has been an easy transition. She's been napping and checking out her new digs. Mom and Dad both enjoyed a little nap with her this afternoon, and Owen gave her a big hug when he got home from day care.
She got into full luxurious napping mode after dinner, while Owen and I played our guitars in the next room.

More tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Maya Elizabeth Aalberts, Day 2

MAYA ELIZABETH AALBERTS, 3/25/08 (click for more information)

Day two with Maya was awesome. I promise to tell the whole birth story (which is not only Cliff's Notes fast, but very fun) when I have a little more time. For the time being, here are a few more pictures from today.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Maya Elizabeth Aalberts

Welcome Maya!

Maya Elizabeth Aalberts was born today at 11:56 AM.

8 lbs. 12 oz. 20 in.

She's very healthy and very cute! Mom and baby are resting comfortably ... Owen will meet her soon. (Pictures to follow.)

A few from today ...

Please note the new blog address

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter

We dyed the Easter egg blue ... then made it kind of boxy.
The new car is here. An epic trip to Chicago for Joel yesterday to trade in the Echo ... in the Echo ... for the new Scion xB. Hours were spent in the dealership while a winter storm raged outside, but it got done and Joel drove the car the 140 miles home (where it was in the mid-40s) to everyone's great delight. Owen agrees the car is "derry derry nice." We had fun tooting around town in it today.

Easter has come. We have a big day planned tomorrow, with an Easter basket ready to go downstairs and an egg hunt planned at Aunt Pam's after breakfast.

Owen got ready for the Easter fun today talking to the bunny card Nana and Grandpa sent. What fun!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Any day now ...

Yes, she's ready to pop! Just don't ask her about it.

The charm of "still no baby?" is lost when the answer is so obvious ...

We just know our time is getting closer, though. There's honestly not any more room for the baby to grow any bigger in there. The only potential downer for Amy is that Aalberts children love to be born on Sundays (and within our family on holidays). I'm already thinking she'll come on Easter Sunday. Amy just wants to make it until tomorrow when her OB returns to being on call.

We had a good weekend, despite having to rely on car trips both Saturday and Sunday to settle Owen into his nap. We had a great time at the Discovery Museum on Saturday morning and went to the pool as a family on Saturday afternoon. Owen woke up with a croupy cough on Sunday, but rebounded spectacularly, as the following video shows.

We'll keep you posted as things develop. Owen is ready to be a big brother and we're all looking forward to meeting our little girl.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Baby shower

The nice folks at the Bloomington Cultural District threw a very fun baby shower for Amy and me today. The potluck lunch included everything "mini," including quiches, carrots, and sandwiches (shaped like bibs).

The gifts were equally creative. A birthday cake constructed out of baby diapers ...... and other great handmade items, including some very cute baby outfits and a quilt (which was perfect for the Wednesday afternoon staff meeting).

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Church and a puddle

Hey. Working with his blocks last night, Owen decided to build a "very big church." Look closely and you'll notice the pews, the spires in front. There's even a pulpit for his grandpa to use.

Owen's other grandpa and grandma were here this weekend. We tackled a number of projects in the house, and enjoyed the nice weather with some time outdoors. Owen was particularly fascinated by a puddle in the sidewalk across the street. He first discovered it when he was out with Amy and me for a walk, jumping in with his tennis shoes (still drying in the garage). I took some pictures of that on my cell phone, which I'll share as soon as I can get them off.

This shot was taken a little later when Amy brought him back outside in his rain boots. I think he might have missed the squish of the water between his toes, but he still had a great time.

Good thing he knows how to clean himself at bath time ...