Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lazy day

I couldn't go a day without posting a few new pictures. Lord knows there are grandparents out there who would curse me all the way to bed tonight.

It was a very relaxing day for Maya , lounging around the house with anyone who will hold her. (There is no shortage of volunteers.) She's really been a dream. She knocked off two more four-hour stretches of sleep again last night. She's been going to sleep a little later than we normally do, but Joel went to see El Vez (who was awesome!) perform at the BCPA, so even that wasn't such a big deal as we all went to bed a bit later anyway.
Owen's had a more interesting day. He went to the Discovery Museum with his Grammie Ives this morning. He then missed his nap and was a bundle of energy the rest of the day, until a drive to the mall with his dad finally knocked him into dreamland.
Needless to say, his sleep schedule got way off with his 4:45-6:15 nap. He is still wide awake now, almost two hours after his bedtime. I was typing holding Maya a few minutes ago when she started to cry after wetting through. She was wailing when we walked past Owen's door and I heard him yell, "My baby sister is crying! My baby sister is crying! Do something!"

Big brothering is hard work.