Friday, September 24, 2010

Special Person Night and soccer begins

Owen welcomed Auntie Pam as his guest to Special Person Night at Sugar Creek Elementary last night. It was an opportunity for him to show off his room and his school to a friend or family member who maybe hadn't had a chance to see his school space. The event also coincided with the school's book sale, a fundraiser that sent us home with three new books to read at bedtime last night.
And after a walk up to school and back, both kids were very tired.

Although not as tired as they were on Tuesday. Owen began soccer lessons on Tuesday at a neat indoor gym facility in town. The class is focused on the fundamentals -- dribbling the ball, inbound passing, kicking toward the goal -- not competition, which is perfect for Owen. He was very excited about starting his class, and he had lots to show me when I got home later that night. I'm looking forward to going to the class with him next week.

Here's a photo of him doing his warm-ups.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Birthday weekend #1 ... a visit with Nana and Grandpa

Candles were extinguished, mountains were climbed, Mayalopes were discovered, swings were swung, and much, much more when Nana and Grandpa visited us last weekend.

Preceding a trip to Massachusetts to visit Uncle Daniel, Nana and Grandpa came for a visit which included a pre-birthday birthday party for Amy, an introduction to Owen's school, and a lot of other fun.

It was also a special weekend for us to share some extra TLC with Nana. She's been such a trooper battling all of her health issues over this past year, and it was fun to have long chances to visit, play games, and get in all sorts of hugs. Everybody took a turn.