Sunday, March 14, 2010


Owen and I had a wonderful time at "Seussical" today. As I mentioned earlier, we met up with his friend Jan and his family at the theater. We waited a long time for face painting before the show, but it was well worth it, as these before and after pictures show.

And I think it was a very fun show for Jan's family. The Zimmermanns are from Germany, where Dr. Seuss is known but not often read as the rhyme scheme, as you can imagine, doesn't translate well into other languages.

But Jan is learning both languages, and his family enjoyed the Seuss stories, which I think made a lot more sense in this musical form.

Maya and Amy stayed home from the show. Her ear was sensitive to loud noises earlier today, so we decided she would do better to stay home and recover instead.
And recover she did. The antibiotics kicked in quickly and Maya ended what had been a three-day fast. She ate two yogurts, some cheese, bread ... the list goes on and on. Amy said it was something to behold.

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