Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Three weeks ... and already an emergency (?)

Emergency! Emergency!

I hope Maya enjoyed her first call as a part of the Aalberts fire brigade last night.
Owen was in his gear and ready to play. When he started distributing hats, we put the soft one on the little girl and enlisted her help in putting out the "fires" all around the house.
I think she did a pretty good job.
This was also an exciting week as we a) enjoyed the company of Grampie and Grammie Ives over the weekend, and b) took Owen to his first swim lesson.
He did a great job. Still a little hesitant to put his head under water, he really responded to the teacher's games and learned all you have to do when your head gets wet is wipe your face to feel better. We had great fun, though, and we're excited about going back this weekend.
Maya, meanwhile, had a check up with Dr. Rosa yesterday. The excellent news is terrific growth. She's up 1 lb, 3 oz from her birth weight to 9 lb 15 oz girl 90% and measures in a half inch taller at 21.5. The bad news is she has a cold. She's been very snuffly at night and the mucous has led to an unsettled stomach and some rather exciting vomiting. Dr. Rosa suggested some comfort care ideas, and, indeed, Maya got a good night's sleep last night and kept down all of her food.
Mom and Dad also enjoyed not having to clean up and change clothes before morning.