Tuesday, April 8, 2008

38 (years) and 40 (hours per week)

A quick post today to get a few more pictures online and say we're all doing well.

It was my birthday on Saturday (Thanks for the help with the candles, Owen), which was a hoot since it's been a while since someone new came to the party.
We had a fun weekend. My parents visited (thanks for the pictures, Mom) and joined us for a lovely breakfast out on Saturday morning, followed by Maya's first trip to the park. Later, on what turned out to be a beautiful day, we joined Owen and some of the neighbor kids and families for some fun outside. Maya met lots of people and we all enjoyed being warm.

The celebration was short-lived, though, as I returned to work full-time yesterday. It's been a transition. So far things have worked fairly well getting food into the mouths of little bodies before I take off. Owen is still going into day care in the afternoon, which makes it easier on his mom to get some rest and take care of Maya in the afternoon, but there's little doubt we both wish we were living in Sweden.