Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Owen is learning gerunds ("people talking," "cars driving," "dogs barking," and, his mom's favorite, "keep snuggling") and is making more progress on his singing.

He also continues to enjoy his new daycare. It's obvious he's comfortable there. Coming and going has become routine and easy ... almost too easy. Yesterday when I picked him up he decided he would forgo the usual hugs of hello (he was having a glass of water, so he was busy at the moment) and, indeed, dictate the tempo of his departure.

As I was collecting his things from his cubby he set his empty glass on a coaster (nicely done) climbed the stairs to the front door landing, and turned to wait for me. I turned to his teacher and said "I guess we're going," to which she replied, "I guess you are." She said good-bye to Owen and he waved and said "Bye-bye." Then as I was climbing the stairs he walked over to their cat's water and food bowls, waved good-bye to them (!), then waited for me to open the front door.

Again, nicely done.

Life has been a little crazy lately. The biggest shock, literally, was that our house was hit by lightning on Saturday, May 26. Our friends Doug and Kris were over for dinner when a big storm hit. Minutes into the storm, Doug and I drove over to their house to shut the windows they realized they'd left open. As we were getting back into my car we heard this amazing boom, which turned out to be our house blowing up.

We were actually very lucky with the damage. The house didn't burn and no one was hurt ... and Amy easily could have been. As the storm brewed, Owen saw he had left one of his toy trucks on the back patio. He was quite distraught, so Amy, being the good mother, did the quick two steps out the back door to grab the truck. She had just stepped back inside and was drying Owen's truck on a towel by the door when the lightning struck. They said there was a corona of light around the house, the smoke detectors all sounded and two light bulbs popped. I can't imagine what might have happened to her if she was still outside barefoot on the wet cement.

As it was, our air conditioner and garage door opener were both fried (and are now both were fixed with new circuit boards and fresh door sensors for the garage). Our modem and Vonage boxes were also zapped. Both were on surge protectors, but a jolt from the DSL line got them nonetheless. Both of those became operational again yesterday. Pam's computer was also fried and is unrepairable.

... all of which explains why it's been almost two weeks since my last post. We just enjoyed a nice weekend in Iowa City. The Iowa Arts Festival kicked off with free outdoor performance by a longtime favorite band of mine, The Subdudes. Owen, his Aunt Meg, and I also went downtown to hear a free kids concert by a cappella group The Bobs, which was great and captivated Owen's attention for a solid 25 minutes. We also got to spend some great time with our dear friends Jeff, Melissa, and their seven-month-old daughter Olivia, who has promised to set Owen up with all of her friends once they reach high school. We ate Happy Joe's pizza with Jeff, Melissa, and the Ives (it's the sauerkraut that makes the vegetarian pizza special), then Jeff and I went to the Subdudes show. All in all, an excellent weekend!

Otherwise, we're enjoying the new baby ducks in the back yard as well as making trips to the park and (of course) to the fire station. Owen also came to love hearing the story of "The Runaway Dinner," even though he cried quite hard the first time the sausage ran away from Banjo Cannon, the little boy who loved them so ... It was better on the second reading. Like Joyce, only different.

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