Friday, July 6, 2012

A final look at first grade

Completing a big round of home improvements today, as the tile guy finished his work in the kitchen and dining room. He began his work yesterday, but had to come back this morning. We initially headed over to Grammie and Grampy Ives' house to sleep last night, as the smell of the adhesive was strong in the house. Owen didn't do well with the last-minute transition and was still firmly awake at 11:45, so I brought him back home hoping we'd have better luck here.

He finally zonked out at 1 am, sleeping until almost 10. It gave me a lot of time this morning to sort through our computer room, put stacks of paper into their intended files, and tidy up the place a bit. It got to 102 degrees today, so, really, what was the hurry to get outside.

In my digging, I found the computer disc we ordered of Owen's school photo. The shots are handsome, so I'll share them. Summer is nearly halfway over, but first grade was pretty wonderful.

Just take a look at this handsome boy ...

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