Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Break! (Day 2)

Day two of our spring break adventure took us to the Shedd Aquarium. Grandpa took the train in from his house to join us for the day. The kids absolutely loved all the fish, whales, jellies, and sea lions.

And I, as always, found it hilarious that they have fish on the menu at the aquarium restaurant.

The underachievers, perhaps?

After five hours at the aquarium, the kids were ready to get out and move around a bit. We took a cab up to Millennium Plaza and had a great run-around. Amy nestled herself into a Starbucks with our luggage, enjoying the warmth (50 degrees still feels really cold to her born-in-the-desert bones), while Grandpa and I had a great time running around with the kids at the Pritzker Pavilion and the fabulous Egg Sculpture.

And then it was time to go home. We gathered our things, grabbed a quick dinner, and boarded the train back to Normal. It was a fun couple of days!

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