Sunday, January 30, 2011

Loving up their Nana

On Saturday morning, we loaded up the car and set out for an overnight visit to Nana and Grandpa Aalberts' house in Oswego. Nana's struggle with cancer is indeed reaching a critical time. Now more than ever she needs her people around her and all the hugs and love she can get.

Same with Grandpa, who has been taking such excellent care of Nana, and enjoyed our visit as an opportunity to get out of the house to run some errands, as well as a break in the routine at home.

Owen was happy to sacrifice his ticklish ribs to the cause.

We left Nana and Grandpas in the early evening and checked into a hotel for the night. The move gave Nana a little extra quiet, and gave us the opportunity to get the kids down for a swim before returning to Nana and Grandpa's house this morning.

Nana was just getting organized to come downstairs when we arrived. The kids played with the pool table, the adults did some visiting and planning about the days and weeks that lie ahead and we all reminisced about the good times we've shared.

Nana shared some stories of her travels through the coins she'd collected along her way.

Then we all gathered for hugs and pictures before we packed up for our trip home.

It was a very special visit and a good time together.

And the kids napped all the way home.

Love you, Nana!

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