Saturday, June 20, 2009

Best Balloon Animal Ever!

Maya was wearing the right outfit for it, so we went to the Bloomington Farmer's Market this morning. It was a fun morning out after a busy day yesterday. Owen and I went and explored while Amy pushed Maya in the stroller around to the various vendors. Owen and I stopped at two young men who were tying balloon animals for tips.

The guys were crazy talented. They first made Owen a baseball cap, which was adjustable and very cool ... but broke as we were on our way to our car. So Owen and I went back to get something else done. We got the same kid again and this time Owen asked for an animal ...

A squid!

The balloon artist paused for a moment and, clearly thinking about just how he would do this, said, "Yeah. I think we can do that."

Personally, I think it may be about the best balloon animal I've ever seen.

Yesterday was another very busy day. The whole family came to the BCPA for the second of our outdoor summer concerts ... but this time held inside our normal theater.

I was up at about 3 am yesterday checking the weather forecasts and trying to judge whether we needed to move our concert by Beach Boys tribute band Still Surfin' and a local band The Boat Drunks, who specialize in the trop rock style of Jimmy Buffett, indoors due to the 40% chance of inclement weather in the afternoon. After researching several sites and talking to a local meteorologist, the decision seemed obvious. With hail, thunderstorms, and possible tornadoes in the forecast, we made the decision and got to work setting up for the indoor show.

Then, wouldn't you know it, the morning turned out to be beautiful. It was a sultry, sunny summer day, but the weather was still looking great at 2:30 pm.

By 3:30, though, we were all high-fiving each other as the first of three intense thunderstorms tore through the area. I don't know if I've ever been so happy to see pea-size hail fall from the sky.

Anyway, the concert was fun. Our friends the Merrills joined us and Owen and his friend Philip charmed many by being the two most handsome young men on the dance floor.
We have lots of other fun things on tap. We'll probably head to the pool this afternoon. Then tomorrow we'll settle in for the most important holiday of the year ...

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