Monday, September 8, 2008

Corn Update: Week 11

It was raining and cold when we stopped to look at the corn tonight. Fortunately, Owen had his umbrella along ... and you'll notice your first look at long pants for the season in today's picture. Ninety-five degrees a week ago, it's really a different world this week.

The corn looked good, although we didn't linger long. It's pretty and very autumnal. But for how long? Lord knows it'll be 85 in October and we won't even remember how chilly we felt today.

The ladies came back last night. Their trip to Iowa went well: a good day at the Celiac Disease conference, and some nice time to visit with Amy's parents.
Owen and I got home from our second trip to the Discovery Museum last night to see Maya and Amy resting on the front lawn. Maya has become quite good at sitting up and was really cute all nestled into the grass.

Later she got her flirt face on and made eyes at the camera.

It was good to see them.
Speaking of catching a glimpse of the sweet mysteries of life, check out the video below.

Oh, happy day!

1 comment:

David Petrie said...

My kids are getting too old. I remember being able to spend an hour at the local airport watching small planes land and take off (maybe two in the entire time we were there) -- still it made for a happy day.

Now? Nothing short of turkeys being dropped from a helicopter (remember WKRP?) would keep them from asking "Can we go yet?" after five minutes.