Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Owen's Senior Picture

Take a look at this terrific shot by Owen's day care teacher, Kim. It's honestly better than any of my senior pictures (which I would be glad to share with you had the FCC not placed a ban on that much pastel pink plaid, even though we all know it was quite trendy at the time.)

Never too proud to brag, I'll follow that with this shot of our little smiling Maya.

And this video which is just one OK Go! song from being a broadcast-worthy vehicle ad.

Vroom, vroom!

At home, everyone seems to be getting better.

Owen's birthday weekend brought a houseful of guests, in addition to snuffly noses and coughs to all of the Aalberts who hadn't already spent 36 hours in the hospital last week. We're all breathing much more freely today, though, and I think feeling better despite what can only be described as a poor weekend for sleep.

Most importantly, Amy's energy continues to improve. And with only three antibiotic pills to go (followed by an as-yet-unspecified detox to get the meds through her system), she's looking forward to continuing her routine nursing Maya.

As I said, it was a fun weekend. Grampie and Grammie Ives left on Friday night just as the grandparents Aalberts arrived. Owen's birthday celebration continued with new toys to play with, including the Big Wheel (again, see above), Lego's ...

And the T-Ball set which Dad promptly broke with one swing, thereby denying himself "Father of the Year" honors for another 12 months.

Owen felt special as we put a lit candle into practically anything he was eating, toasting him with another chorus of "Happy Birthday" whenever the opportunity presented itself.

He had fun.
Grammie Ives left this morning, replaced by Nana Aalberts, both generously offering to help Amy stay on top of her recovery. Owen and Maya (and us as well)are very lucky to have such good help.