Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Some fun now

The doctor says it's a double ear infection and "while it's not pneumonia yet," it isn't good either. Owen's really been put through the ringer, but you'd never know it from his mostly terrific attitude and energy. Now that he's on his medicine, he's running hard and sometimes even jittery with energy (a side-effect of the albuterol which we will never again make the mistake of giving him 20 minutes before bed).

Amy and I have been taking care of him at home, which is timely since his day care provider is on her summer vacation through Wednesday. He was eager to go to the Discovery Museum yesterday (see photo above left). Today, the pool awaits. I have to admit, I'm enjoying flexing my hours so that I can play a little hooky with him in the afternoon.

FYI, I am going to be a guest co-host on WBNQ's morning drive on Thursday morning from 6:30-8:30 AM, CDT. If you want to tune in to a fun two hours, which will include a psychic from 7:30-8:00, you can listen online here.

If Top 40's not your thing, try this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

With Teagan's asthma, we too discovered the joys of albuterol before bed. Sorry, should've warned you.