Maya has received some very nice gifts since she came home with us a week ago today. Please don't take tonight's post as a request for gifts (it isn't) or a universal thank you to anyone who did bring Maya a gift (more formal thank yous are on the way); it's merely a story of some fun we had at home tonight thanks to a very fun gift of meat we received today from my friend Sue at Dartmouth.
As you'd imagine, the meat-filled Styrofoam freezer box that arrived at our door today was being kept cool with dry ice. What an opportunity!
Owen's mad scientist Uncle Daniel would have been proud as I helped Owen make the ice whistle on a spoon and smoke in a glass of water. It was pretty fun, as the following photo and video will show.
More fun was had tonight with a marshmallow peep ... ... which Owen thought was quite silly. It came from our friend, and my coworker, Abby, who stopped by to say hello to Baby Maya last night.
Abby's visit was also memorable thanks to Maya, who did her best to keep two handfuls of Abby's hair when she tried to pass her back to us at the end of the visit.
In the end Abby left unscathed and Maya settled back in with her stuffed bunny.
Another fine day!