And yet it seems like it's been so much longer.
Maya celebrated her one-week birthday with a visit to our beloved pediatrician Dr. Rosa. She got a clean bill of health, and them some. In one week, Maya has surpassed her birth weight. Born at 8 lbs. 12 oz, she left the hospital at 8 lbs 1 oz and today weighed in at 8/13. It normally takes babies about two weeks to get that weight back, but Maya is an achiever. She continues to be a great eater and sleeper.
She also lost the last of her umbilical cord ... again ahead of schedule. Her belly button looks just fine!
Owen continues to be an excellent big brother. He just shines when he's tending to her and is very sweet and protective.
Perhaps too much so. She was crying again during a diaper change the other night and he reprised his "My sister is crying, my baby sister is crying" alarm. Only this time he added "Do you think we should call the police?"
The pictures below are a good indication of how he's doing as a big brother. The other night, he was playing with some plastic vehicles and decided Maya needed some toys in her swing. He gently stopped her, dropped a car into her seat, then gave her a little push to get her going again. By the end she had a dozen cars and trucks tucked in along her hip.
However, as always, the best part is the packing material. This is a spectacular dance! Take that Flatley!