When we made our family trip there in March, the wait to ride up was nearly two hours. Weighing that with the palpable levels of anxiety expressed by several members of our traveling party to actually make the trip, it was a pretty easy decision not to wait around.
This time, though. We came prepared!
Well, sort of.
Above is a shot of Owen as they were just about to close the doors for the elevator ride to the top.
Lots of people talk about the claustrophobic feel of the cars. Yes, they're tight and have an unusual shape in comparison to their elevator brethren, but it kind of comes with the territory when the elevator shaft you'll be navigating is part of a parabola.
There's also the whole height thing. Acrophobiacs might be a little put off by the straight-down view from the top. Indeed, when I was giving Owen a boost so he could get a better view out of a window, he pushed his way back at me sensing that extra little lean might bring the whole thing down.
It was an adventure, though. We weren't up top for much more than 10 minutes, but that was enough. Our short little trip even left some extra time in our schedule so we could make a short visit back to the zoo.
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