We had a great time.
The Miller Park Zoo is a very nice small zoo. There's a petting area with goats, chickens, and pigs so ugly that if it weren't for interested children they'd get no action ...
There are also great sea lions ...
And this beautiful Sumatran tiger.
It was interesting being with a group of five year olds and seeing the place through their eyes.
For example. We were standing as a group, looking at the tiger who at that point was pacing back and forth at the front of his cage thinking all of these preschoolers would be mighty tasty if he could just find his way out. It was one of those perfect zoo moments where you really can't help but admire the animal's strength and "wildness."
It was also the moment Owen noticed the little bench set across the sidewalk for people to sit and admire the animal at length.
"Look, a bench!" said Owen. And all the kids who had moments before been rapt in the tiger's attention turned and yelled "A bench!" then ran to find a place for at least one butt cheek on the tiny cement seat. The teachers had no answer for it. The moment with the tiger was over, and it was time to move on.
Perhaps Owen's favorite part of the day was holding a millipede. I held it too, although I wasn't as gung-ho about it as the five-year-olds were. It was tickly. Not at all pinchy like it is to have some bugs on you.
Count me in for the next field trip!
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