It was beautiful out last night, so Amy, Owen, Maya, and I were outside after work/school, exploring the yard, digging through the garden, and the like.
Amy and Maya were still out back when I went in to get dinner ready. Maya came in a few minutes later coughing and choking a little like something was caught in the back of her throat. She hacked a little, said "Nose yucky!" which is her new mantra, and then showed me what was in her hand: a chive leftover from last summer's garden planting. I took the chive from her hand and she headed back outside.
About 15 minutes later, we all sat down for dinner. It was a rare night when we all managed to sit and eat together. Throughout dinner Maya kept saying "Nose yucky!" which indeed it was. It was draining and draining out of her right nostril.
A little concerned because we'd just spent half a week at home with her nursing away an ear infection, and worried because we have a houseful of company expected this weekend to have an early birthday celebration for our two year old, Amy and I wiped her nose and gave each other that look parents often exchange that reads something like, "Good Lord, what's next?"
When dinner was done, Amy brought Maya upstairs ... and that's when she made the discovery. Maya was all ready for bed, but said she needed to go potty. While Amy was sitting with her, she was wiping that nostril again when she saw something green.
Getting closer she saw there was something in her nose.

You guessed it. A chive.
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