Daylight Savings Time is here. The time changes are normally not a happy thing for us. Our two years in Arizona taught us how silly it is to Spring Ahead and Fall Back, a sentiment that was further cemented once we had kids and realized how the turn impacted sleep for the better part of a week after.
Today, though, wasn't so bad. Maya, we found out today, has an ear infection and has been sleeping poorly. Last night was better than the night before, but not perfect. Fortunately, Amy and I took advantage of the time change and were in bed at 9 pm old time and weren't roused by the kids for good until 7:30 new.
Note I said, "for good." We were up with Maya for almost a half hour in the middle of the night. She's been sleeping so poorly, and eating worse. While she was up last night, Amy had her in the potty Owen came charging into the bedroom following a nightmare. I walked him back to his room and got him settled, then passed Amy and Maya en route to Maya's room, with Maya repeating "Owen's sad" in a half-roused mantra all the way. We ultimately settled again, though, and I, at least, felt a little more rested today. I got to exercise for the first time in three days, and had time to run to the store and bake some scones for breakfast, doing my part to get everyone e
lse's day started on the right foot.
Speaking of the potty, Maya's pretty much potty trained herself. She knows when it's coming, and we rush there as fast as we can, probably with a 85% success rating. Pretty amazing for a little girl who turns two in 11 days.
This afternoon we're going to one of the Family Series events at the
Seussical" is returning. We took the kids when Maya was
just born and had a wonderful time. We'll be meeting Owen's friend Jan and his family at the show. But before, Amy is taking Owen to visit a friend of hers who works in the astronomy department at Illinois State to see some space rocks.
Last weekend I drove to Sioux City to judge a show choir competition at Sioux City East High School. This was my fourth time at this competition, a fun weekend filled with good friends, and a good chance to visit others en route. I also got to stop and pick up some UI gear for the kids.
A new Nerf football for Owen ...
And a short-sleeved Iowa outfit for Maya ...
A couple more pictures from the week follow.
Matchboxes around Owen, and a shot sure to make the graduation picture board.