Owen was back at his favorite fountain this weekend. Last fall I posted the following video of Owen running through the ped mall fountain in Iowa City.
This video has been viewed almost 3,000 times since October. Its popularity, I reckon, is a good indicator of the kind of search topics people are regularly feeding into YouTube. Then again, it may merely represent the supreme humor Owen's grandfather finds in watching our little guy getting soaked head to toe again and again.
If my second notion is correct, this is Grandpa's lucky day. We had great weather this weekend and spent a lot of time downtown. Here's a new fountain video ...
This video has been viewed almost 3,000 times since October. Its popularity, I reckon, is a good indicator of the kind of search topics people are regularly feeding into YouTube. Then again, it may merely represent the supreme humor Owen's grandfather finds in watching our little guy getting soaked head to toe again and again.
If my second notion is correct, this is Grandpa's lucky day. We had great weather this weekend and spent a lot of time downtown. Here's a new fountain video ...
Below you'll also find a snapshot we took of Owen partaking in his (at least for one day) favorite activity in the fountain. I guarantee, if this had been on video it would eclipse last year's "Super wet in the fountain" in popularity with ease.
There were other water sports this weekend, including cannonballs into the backyard pool.
We also got to look at the flood damage, which was pretty sobering at times. Seeing Hancher, the arts campus and the English building, then driving into Coralville where the water line left by the flood waters ran inches from the top of doorways added a sense of verisimilitude to the many photos we've seen over the past couple of months.

I'm sure it will be immensely popular on YouTube.