Today's entry begins with a funny little story. The other day at work, Amy and her co-workers received a tray of cookies from a local assisted living facility. Amy said the cookies were absolutely awful, but brought one home anyway. Here's why.

Amy came to find out that the the little sprinkles on the cookies were added with the purpose of reminding residents at the assisted living facility, as well as potential clients, about the dangers of skin cancer. Indeed these sprinkles are there -- I am not kidding you here -- to bring to mind some sort of carcinoma.
Mmmmmm .... hungry?
Undeterred by the cookie's warning, we had a busy day outside yesterday. The Miller Park Zoo had an anniversary celebration with face painting (which we missed), free carousel rides (above) and one of those big inflatable bouncy toys, which Owen thought was awesome!
It was Maya's first trip to the zoo, but she seemed to have a good time being out on a nice day.
For me, though, the most unforgettable part of the day will be this conversation in which I became an unwitting participant:
Looking at the animal jumping into the water, the little girl said, "Look, Daddy, it's a walrus!"
Her dad came over, watched the animal swim for a moment and said, "Yeah look at that walrus." Then, calling to his wife said, "Honey, we've got a walrus over here!"
As the family came over and watched the animal swim, the dad took out his park map and tried to find out where they were. Seeing no walruses on the map he took a quick glance at the animals listed in that area of the zoo and realized they'd made a mistake. "Oh, honey, that's not a walrus. Says here it's a sea lion."
"Actually," I said, unable to restrain myself any longer, "the sea lions are in the next tank. This is an otter."
Maya had a great second week of afternoons with our friend Kelli and her kids across the street. Becca had her 9th birthday on Friday (happy birthday, Becca!), but on Thursday, labeled our little girl with a sparkly label ... uncharacteristic of Maya's easygoing personality, but fun nonetheless.