Maya got deep into books over the weekend.
She seemed to be pulling for the ducklings to find safe passage to their new home in the park ...
But the "baa" of the woolly lamb was obviously too much. What can I say, it is a noisy farm.
Yesterday was a bit different with very cool temps and scattered storms throwing off the normal summer agenda. We took the neighbor's dog for a walk to the fire station. Owen rode his trike the whole way and did a great job navigating a pretty good hill for someone with small legs, three wheels, a subpar breaking mechanism.
Owen had a hard time getting down for his nap. After a few in-and-outs trying to get him to relax, I went into his room and sat on the floor next to his bed. I wrapped an arm around him and he soon fell asleep ... as did I.
I woke up about a half hour later with an incredible kink in my back from my poor body position. I laid on the floor to straighten myself out then fell asleep for another half hour.
Sorry I didn't get to say good-bye, Drew and Jean.
We had more fun at dinner later. Owen got up from the table determined to plant his apricot seed somewhere in the lawn (hope to see you next year, little tree), but the screen door came off its runners on his way back in. Amy and I got up quickly from our meals and tried to get it back on, but it required some tools we didn't have handy. Since he was finished eating, Owen grabbed his toy tool set and got to work while Amy and I ate. At one point, the door fell off entirely, leading Owen to say matter-of-factly "It's broken. And it's all my fault." He didn't seem distraught about it at all. He just waited for us to finish then he helped us get it back in place.
... and then he came back in and became a little pink cloud.