We drove into Iowa City for Christmas with the Ives. The temps dropped from 54 degrees at our lunch stop in Peoria to 30 degrees with rain/snow/ice in Iowa City. In one hour we lost 20 degrees. Kind of like driving from Tucson to San Diego in the summertime.
Despite the heavy dump of snow that hit Iowa City, we had a great holiday. Owen was in rare form. He enjoyed all of the holiday decorations and the boxes of oranges with which he "built a sidewalk."
Possibly the best moment, though, was at Christmas dinner. He was sitting between Amy and I and began saying "Be DONG!" loudly every few seconds. When we stopped to figure out what he was doing, it became clear he was pushing his cheek like a button for an elevator, waiting for the door (his mouth) to open, and inserting the food.
The next weekend was spent with my folks celebrating both Christmas and the New Year. Mom arrived dressed as Santa, as her mom used to do for Daniel, my cousins, and I when we were kids. Owen's response was something along the lines of "If I don't look at it, maybe it will all go away." Kind of the way I felt about Iowa's passing offense this season ...
While Mom and Dad were here we painted the nursery, went and played at the indoor putt-putt golf course (with ball pit for Owen), and had lots of time to visit and look at the pictures Daniel sent from his wedding. It was a nice holiday.
Amy has now entered the third trimester of the pregnancy. Time has gone so quickly! I guess we'd better come up with a name other than Owen's favorite "Strawberry" for the baby before it gets too late. 
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