Thursday, November 8, 2007


This is a picture of Owen at two and a half. He was in a sparkly mood for his half birthday today, feeling better after a week of yucks. He was in high energy, running some 20 laps around the main floor and working hard on building towers and riding his stuffed horse.

He absolutely charmed me tonight when I was putting him to bed. I had read him his books and turned out the lights.

"I need something," he said.
Owen can say this 30 times as part of his bedtime routine, but rarely tells you what he wants. But tonight, after he said it, he curled up into my shoulder as we rocked in the chair. Then he said, "I need a kiss." He reached up, wrapped his hand around the back of my head and brought me in for a kiss. It was so sweet!

We are still thrilled with the discovery that Owen will be big brother to a little girl. He got to share the news with his day care teacher, Kim, today, making the announcement that the kind of baby in mommy's tummy is a girl.

We're off for Iowa City tomorrow for the penultimate football weekend of the season. Go Hawks!

In closing, I'm attaching some pictures taken today (above), are some pictures from his half birthday last year and the year before. It's fun to see how far we've come.

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