The past few days have included lots of indoors time, as the long-needed rain is finally here. While trips to the tub instead of the pool have been fun, it seems a pity to not be outdoors.

Owen and I spent two hours at the Children's Discovery Museum on Saturday morning. He was so tired it threw off his nap, so it wasn't until 2:40 that he finally fell asleep in the back seat of the car. He was rejuvenated when he woke up, though. He "played" some football with the neighbor boy and a school friend who was visiting. The best part was when A.J., who was full of color commentary (as most eight-year-olds are when they're playing football in the backyard) of last-second plays and tremendous touchdown runs, stopped to punt the football. As he was lining up his kick, Owen walked over and hugged him about the waist. A.J. thought this was quite silly.
No penalties were called on the play.
Aunt Pam came to sit for Owen on Saturday night and Amy and I finally got out to see the new
Harry Potter film. On Sunday we cleaned our section of the
Constitution Trail, then had a quiet day at home. Owen wasn't feeling good. A trip to the doctor on Monday confirmed that he still has some liquid in the back of his right ear, so we're back on the antibiotics for another 10 days to get him back on an even keel. Dr. Rosa was delighted by his appearance otherwise. He weighed in at 36 lbs., a major increase from his pre-celiac-diagnosis 28 lbs., just six months ago.
Perhaps he'll find some more gluten-free goodies when we're in Iowa City this weekend to celebrate birthdays for
Grammie and Auntie Pam.
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