... This one, none. Proof that more people are searching for "belly buttons" than "Bob the Builder"? Or did someone's enterprising grandpa find the site and watch it all morning?
Either way, the boy is popular. Perhaps not as popular as the breakdancing toddler, but that might be for the best.
We took Owen to Champaign yesterday for a follow up appointment with his gastroenterologist. Dr. Hatch was impressed with Owen's improvement. Owen weighed in at 32.5 lbs. (a nice improvement), his belly was soft, and the doctors all said he sounded great. Dr. Hatch ordered a few additional blood tests to check his iron levels, etc., but otherwise said we didn't need to see each other again for a year, and that we would only have to have appointments every two years after that.
We've been having lots of fun otherwise. Owen's language skills, as you saw in the Bob the Builder video, are really blossoming. When prompted, he can reliably contribute the next word in practically every book we read. He's also dazzled us with such statements as "Thank you so much!" and "Nice try, buddy boy."
He also likes building forts.
1 comment:
Well if you're taking him for Champaigne I wouldn't doubt...oh, Illinois. Right.
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