A dance recital. A first baseball practice. It's been a very busy few weeks at the Aalberts house. No wonder that, once again, Dad's been doing a poor job updating the blog.
Sometimes life just takes time.
Maya had her end-of-year dance recital three weeks ago. She was beautiful in her Ladybug number and she had a great time.
Meanwhile, Owen finished First Grade at the end of May and is now deep into vacation mode. He's been the boy of many tumbles lately -- note the scab on his elbow below and imagine on his ankle a gash that runs the length of his Achilles Tendon (how very Curt Schilling) -- but his first practice was sweet.
He's a real boy of summer.
Here's the video you requested, Grandpa ...
P.S. The Ladybug is also now in a big girl bed. Very fancy, Miss Maya!