Friday, September 30, 2011

New endeavors

The week started out with a bang for the Aalberts kids. It was the first night for two new endeavors for both Owen and Maya.

Owen began Cub Scouts. In addition to being disarmingly handsome in his Scout uniform, he had a great time at the first Pack meeting.

Amy and I took him to an informational meeting for Scouts a week before. Owen was very excited about joining and a few of his good friends were there. I left feeling surprised at how quickly I remembered the Scout Code and Creed, to the point I could chant them along with the boys. And it was perhaps the fond memories I had of Owen and Nana's Grandpa leading my Scout den that inspired me to become a Den Leader for O's group.

And then, of course, I had to miss the first meeting to attend a City Council meeting for work ...

So we're all looking forward to next week and our first Den meeting. We'll keep you posted.

Monday was also the night of Maya's first ballet class. A flier came home from school last week from a local dance company. Maya's interest in "becoming a ballet dancer" informed the whole weekend. The countdown began the moment we told her we'd take her.

On Friday: "It's only three more days until I become a ballet dancer!"
On Saturday: "I become a ballet dancer in two days, Daddy!"

and so on ...

The class was wonderful! She clung to me when we arrived at the studio and got our orientation to the space, but as soon as the teacher called the other dancers into the class, Maya was off like a shot!

I think the pictures below convey how she threw herself into this 110%, as well as how beautiful she felt.


Yep. Monday's are going to be busy from now on. I'm really looking forward to it!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Owen earned his yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do tonight! He's been practicing hard and did very, very well.

The test began with him performing an 18-step routine. He then did some blocks and some sparring and then completed the final test ... breaking a board!

Owen didn't know board breaking was on the agenda, but after a few pointers from Master Kim he nailed it on the first try. SNAP!!!

Amy cried. Owen beamed. It was pretty awesome!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy birthday, Mom!

Look who's old enough to run for president ... it's Mom!!!

We had a very happy birthday celebration over the weekend. There was cake and presents, including some special things the kids picked out for mom all by themselves ... some Almond Joy's from Owen (who knows what his mom likes), and some glittery purple nail polish from Maya (who knows what Mom and Maya like).

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We love you!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Praying Mantis

In the end it was determined the Mantis was praying to be set free.

Owen and his buddy Philip found a beautiful Praying Mantis in the yard over the weekend and built a home for it out of an empty jar of unsalted mixed nuts. They left him with some grass to play in, some ants to eat, and a cicada shell for his amusement.

We were all ready to part company after a couple of days, though. The kids forgot to look in on him and, in his desperation, the Mantis changed his religion several times.

As he left he said, "Thanks Odin! I mean Owen."