Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Owen had a wonderful sixth birthday on May 8. Our sweet little boy woke up to balloons, donuts (gluten free, of course), and a string of presents that kept coming all day.

It was wonderful to celebrate his birthday again on Mother's Day, the first time his birthday and the holiday have coincided since his birth. Each of the kids had decorated a flower pot for their mom. We also made cards, bought cards, and had a mix of miscellaneous crafts ready for her.

But the real focus of the day was Owen. After a first breakfast at home (with a few presents) ...

... we headed over to the Ives for second breakfasts (and many more presents).

Owen had lots of fun, then got some energy out on his new scooter outside.

Then it was party time!

We met up with Owen's friends at Gymnastics, Etc., a local gym that hosts birthday parties featuring a mix of activities on their gymnastics equipment.

The kids had a great time, and so did we, balancing, jumping on the trampoline, and playing in the PIT OF FOAM!!! (punctuation and emphasis mine).

The image of the day might be that of Grandpa (below), who I think could have stayed in that spot all day, tossing foam cubes at all the little kids.
We then went to the party room for cake and presents.

Happy birthday, my little friend! We love you!

Maya also had a wonderful weekend, enjoying the fun as much as her big brother. There were the stray sprinkles from the donuts ...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A lot of catching up to do

I have to admit, it took some thought. By the time this project came home from school with Owen, the grass was turning green and memories of our February blizzard were slowly slipping away into the farthest recesses.

But when I really took the time to look at the bottom drawing, my heart melted like the winter snow. Owen's favorite February day ... yeah ... I had something to do with that.

Anyway, lots has happened since the last blog post on April 3. I turned 41. Strangely, not a single photo exists of me from my birthday, but this one of Maya enjoying my birthday balloons captures some of the joy of what was a very happy day.
Following the birthday, we moved right into our April routine. Work was very busy for both Amy and me. Amy moved into a new position at work, I pressed on with the work preparing the BCPA's 2011-12 season announcement, and Owen began what has become a long, frustrating, and difficult month dealing with nightmares.

But we keep pressing on, hoping that despite the work, despite the confusing fears, and the pace of keeping going that there are many wonderful little details in life we need to stop to admire and enjoy.

Case in point ...

Easter also provided a happy diversion. There was candy necklace beading.

Egg dying. (A special thank you to our favorite green-fingered Auntie Pam.)
Egg seeking.
And rides in the Easter carriage.
And during it all I trained for my 38th marathon, which I ran in Champaign on April 30, completing it in 3:10.11 and coming in 93rd out of some 2000 marathoners
As if seeing dad in his running togs wasn't enough of a harbinger that spring had arrived, the ice cream truck made its first pass of the year through the neighborhood earlier this week.

It was good, messy fun.

But no, kids. That ice cream isn't getting within 10 feet of my new car.