Sunday, January 30, 2011

Loving up their Nana

On Saturday morning, we loaded up the car and set out for an overnight visit to Nana and Grandpa Aalberts' house in Oswego. Nana's struggle with cancer is indeed reaching a critical time. Now more than ever she needs her people around her and all the hugs and love she can get.

Same with Grandpa, who has been taking such excellent care of Nana, and enjoyed our visit as an opportunity to get out of the house to run some errands, as well as a break in the routine at home.

Owen was happy to sacrifice his ticklish ribs to the cause.

We left Nana and Grandpas in the early evening and checked into a hotel for the night. The move gave Nana a little extra quiet, and gave us the opportunity to get the kids down for a swim before returning to Nana and Grandpa's house this morning.

Nana was just getting organized to come downstairs when we arrived. The kids played with the pool table, the adults did some visiting and planning about the days and weeks that lie ahead and we all reminisced about the good times we've shared.

Nana shared some stories of her travels through the coins she'd collected along her way.

Then we all gathered for hugs and pictures before we packed up for our trip home.

It was a very special visit and a good time together.

And the kids napped all the way home.

Love you, Nana!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Try as he might ... plus, a manicure.

The manicure first.

Maya got some press-on nails for Christmas, part of a collection of makeup and other girly things that came in one big Disney Princess-themed backpack. Thank you, Auntie Pam.

The other night at dinner she started talking about her backpack. We thought it was the other Disney Princess-themed backpack she carries with her to school, but no. Finally it all sank in, the backpack was found in her room, and the fun began.

There is something really silly about seeing a little girl with nails long enough to make her comfortable on the cocktail circuit, but Maya wore them well ...

... until she took them off and buried them within the sofa cushions.

Owen, meanwhile, has a new nemesis: my new camera's flash. The following is a series of photos from last night ...

I was laughing at his struggle. My camera takes photos in very rapid succession, but I could not get a photo of him with his eyes open. Finally, Owen decided on his own to take the Clockwork Orange route and hold his own eyes open. This, too had mixed results.

We'll keep practicing. I'll keep you posted.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Visiting Nana

Enjoying a happy Wednesday together. I took the day to spend some time with Nana. Her struggle with cancer seems to be taking a much more serious turn, so any time together is a gift. We enjoyed a nice lunch and reminisced over years of old pictures.

This Saturday, we're returning with the kids to enjoy some more time together. It should be fun!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Angry Birds!

Inspired by the Angry Birds game on his dad's phone, Owen got to work setting up his own blocks (in this case cushions) to knock down and earn points. It filled much of our time on a snowy Sunday afternoon.

In addition to diving into the sofa cushions, our day was filled turning other furniture into toys(remind me, why did we buy them toys at Christmas).
The coffee table became a lower deck to a (wait for it) ...

Train. Just like the Dinosaur Train, our engine carried passengers across the Jurassic and to a variety of destinations throughout Illinois -- Joliet or Union Station, anyone?

I will say, the service was always on time and the conviction of the crew for their work highly commendably.
That said, you still had to fish your own luggage out from the bins below.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Puppet show!

Owen pulled the puppet theater up the stairs from the basement by himself this morning.

The show was on!

Four stories were presented. Owen and his mom told "The 3 Little Pigs" and "Cinderella." Owen and his dad presented "Little Bunny Foo Foo." Then Maya, who you will see below enjoying her early spot as an audience member, got into the act with her own version of "Cinderella," with Dad as her assistant.

In case you're interested, due to demand the run has been extended a week.

Tickets are on sale now!

New Camera and New Adventures

It was a very exciting week at the Aalberts house. Dad and the kids enjoyed some extra time together with a MLK holiday extra day off on Monday. Owen then had an extra-extra day off with his Grammie and Grampy on Tuesday while his teachers had an Institute Day.

Then on Thursday Owen began a six-week theater class offered through his pre-school and Maya's current day care. An assistant teacher there is studying theater and education and is coordinating her second Scribbles Theater offering 4-7 year olds a chance to learn and perform a short play.

Owen had a great time, enjoying the mix of rehearsal and acting games. The big show is at the end of February.

Mid week provided another surprise when the camera Joel ordered arrived. Wanting to take a step up from the point-and-shoot camera and cell phone shots he'd been taking, Joel spent his Christmas money on a nice SLR with lots of neat gadgets, hoping to get some better shots of the kids and all their activities. The first night of use provided some excellent pictures right off the bat, a harbinger, hopefully, of things to come.

It didn't hurt that the kids were in high photogenic mode. We turned on some music and had a little dance party.

Maya even broke out her ballet outfit.

Owen's stylings (all of his own devising, I should add) took a much more Modern approach ...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Root Beer Float

There's a slight case of the New Year's Day blahs at the house today, but one great moment of joy as Owen enjoyed his first root beer float. Happy 2011, everyone!