A week later, I managed to not kill Garrison Keillor as I drove him back and forth between Bloomington and Peoria despite Winter Weather Advisory conditions. The 15 cars in the ditch gave us lots to talk about on one trip. On the way back, he put the final tweaks on this article which was due the next morning.
She's all about sentences now. Each day is a discovery of new words put together in perfect ways she's never put them together before. Favorite topics, though, include, "Owen, Mommy, Daddy are nice," and "He's naked!" when talking about a Michelangelo's David bookmark we have.
She's also discovered makeup, as you can see below, and has her first set of perfectly painted toes.
Owen, meanwhile, tried out a new face painting option, a lizard, at a Family Series event at the BCPA in January. He's always gone for tigers before.
He looked great!
Happy Year of the (wait for it) Tiger!
And he continues to amaze us with all he remembers. The other day I checked out a book about the man who walked on a tightrope between the Twin Towers. We'd read the book about a year before, about the same time I saw the "Man On Wire" move on DVD. Picking books one night I asked Owen what he would like to read. "The book about Philippe," he said. I was confused, but when he pointed out exactly which book I immediately remembered and knew he was right.
Owen, if I'm ever on "Millionaire," my lifeline is you.

We also had a great time celebrating Nana's birthday two weeks ago. I drove up to see her for a couple of hours on the 9th. The weather was crummy and Amy was sick at home, but the opportunity to spend time with Mom on her special day, especially with Daniel visiting from Massachusetts, was just too good to pass up. Happy birthday, Mom! We're all very proud of you.