Once again, weeks have passed since my last post. While I do apologize, I am proud to say I have been keeping some notes on everything that's been said and happened lately for Owen and Maya.
We enjoyed a quiet weekend at home this weekend after two weeks of travel. Amy brought Owen and Maya downtown on Saturday morning to see Joel who was working a table promoting the upcoming events at the BCPA. We had a fun morning, and both kids joined the action handing out brochures to passersby.
No one could turn them down ...
Today we went to the pool for the first time this summer. Maya giggled and giggled as she first waded into the (freezing!) water. We met up with our friends the Merrills at the pool, so Owen was busy with Philip from the start, splashing, sliding, and having a great time.
Meanwhile, one of the entertainment highlights for me over these past few weeks is the steady stream of funny things Owen has said. Here are a few of my favorites:
I had given the kids snacks as we were driving home from daycare one day. Maya started coughing and I became a little panicked as I can't see her in her rear-facing car seat."Owen," I say. "Is Maya OK."Yes.""You're sure?""Yes."Maya coughs again."What's she doing?""Nothing, just choking."(Yes, she was fine.)Later that day, Owen was dancing around while we were playing the (homophonically ironic) Wii game."Owen," I say, "stop dancing and go to the potty.""I don't have to go to the potty. I just have to get the rhythm out."Tracing his height from toe to head, Owen tells us how tall he is:"One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen miles per hour!"Iowa CityThe weekend before found us in Iowa City. We hadn't been since Christmas and were looking forward to vising Amy's parents, hearing a little music at the Iowa Arts Festival, and seeing our friends Jeff and Melissa, who are expecting twins soon. Owen and their little girl Olivia had a great time playing in the sand box, and then Maya got into the act when the bag of plastic balls came out.

I got this nice picture of the Vande Berg clan on our way out (and they got this nice one of Owen). I have to admit, I expected the belly would be larger, Melissa ... and I'll be happy to Photoshop the twins into the picture later.
Otherwise, the weekend was marked by persistent rains and, therefore, lots of indoor time running the kids at the play area in the mall. Owen, Amy and I got out on Saturday night for Whitey's ice cream in downtown IC.
It was still raining when we got home on Sunday night. Owen immediately got it in his head that we needed to catch the rain so that we could use the water for our plants. He spent the next several minutes being his own rain barrel.

I love his green instincts.
The weekend before was spent with my parents in Chicagoland.
Our biggest day was Saturday.
We started at the Morton Arboretum, enjoying their kids section which features this great ball you can roll around in a pool of water ...
As well as a wonderful pond filled with tadpoles you can touch ...

There was lots of room to run and plants to explore ...

... and some other surprises along the way.
After the arboretum, we drove to a Pizzeria Uno for lunch. Honestly, this was the real goal of the weekend. The restaurant has a new gluten free menu, which meant Owen got to order his own meal, which was wonderful.
He actually made his mom cry when the waitress came and he said, "I would like a gluten free pizza, please. With pepperonis."
It was delicious!
We also spent a lot of time playing in the park. Owen loves the tire swing near Nana and Grandpa's house, and Maya was thrilled with all the rocks she could pick up and stack into big piles.

Last of all, we were delighted to participate in a special ceremony at my dad's church. Their church building is going through a major renovation.
The church organized a special activity for the members of the church now that the "bones" of the new sanctuary are complete. Following the service, everyone was invited in to look at the new area for the first time and then leave their hand prints and messages on the walls that will soon be covered as the next phase of the project begins.
Our family hand prints are here, with Grandpa and Owen at the top, Nana and Maya in the middle, and Amy and mine at the bottom.