Rightly so. I admit, the holidays got the best of me. Between holiday programs at work, holiday shopping (God bless you, Internet), pre-school programs, and the holiday travel itself, it's been a doozy of a 17 days.
So here's a quick overview of the Christmas season in the Aalberts house:
On Friday, December 12 Owen and I went to see "Franklin's Family Christmas" at my theater with Owen's good buddy Philip, and Philip's mom Kelli and sister Jenna.
The show was cute and involved a "12 Days of Christmas" sing-along that made me wish I could wind back the clock and add it to a "Cocoa and Carols" show with my college show choir.
And there was face painting. Here are the boys done up like reindeer.
In the face of an advancing winter storm, we left for Iowa City on Monday night. It turned out to be a great idea as the winter weather ended up stranding Auntie Pam in Bloomington for the Christmas celebration.
Getting there a night early also gave us some extra time to do fun things like meet up with our good friend Jeff for lunch ...
Pictures ...
We drove home on Christmas day, finding out there was good reason for Maya's fatigue. When we got home Maya threw up ... truly a harbinger of things to come.
That night Pam came over. We'd managed to pack her Christmas presents into our car, so we enjoyed a larger family Christmas as we opened our own gifts that night.
We had a nice dinner with the larger Aalberts clan on Friday night, but then I started feeling a little sick almost immediately after the meal was through. Feeling mostly dizzy, I went to bed at 7:30.
Over the course of the night the bug Maya carried with us back to Illinois caught up to everyone else.
My discomfort (how can I put this in a delicate way?) passed right after Owen got up ill with Amy at 3:00. At 4 we had Owen and Amy packed up into the car and were on our way to the ER, where Amy received a bag of fluid, and Owen some meds to help him restore his hydration.
We all recovered pretty nicely, though, enjoying more fun with my family. There were more naps as usual, especially as Nana came down sick the next night, but it proved to be a memorable weekend marking Grandpa's return to the pulpit for the first time since his Nov. 17 heart surgery. Daniel and I sang several times as a part of the service, making it a pretty special morning for all of us.
Lastly, allow me to introduce you to the newest addition to our family, Owen's handsome new Betta fish he has named Porcupine. Owen Maya and I went down to the pet store and picked out Porcupine on Tuesday night, settling him into the little tank Owen got for Christmas.