Back to the corn. Seriously, I can't imagine we're going to be back out here next week. Dry. Ready to pick. A hard frost last night. It's time.
That said, this was one of our most fun visits. The stalks have lost lots of leaves and there was a nice opportunity to step back into the rows of corn and explore a bit. We dug around, looked at how the ears were different sizes. It was fun.
At home, Maya has been feeling pretty under the weather. Her head cold really kicked into high gear yesterday. Very snuffly. Not very good sleep (for anyone). But she's a trooper. And I'm sure she's going to be feeling better today. Last night was definitely better than the night before.
Looking forward to Halloween. We went out last Friday night for a special night of trick or treating in downtown Bloomington.
So I guess it's time to do the reveal on Owen's Halloween costume for the year.
First, here's Maya in some sassy Halloween clothes.
And here's O. #7 in your programs, but #1 in your hearts ...