Monday, August 25, 2008
Corn Update: Week 9
Crouching Tiger, Swimming Owen
And push Dad into the water ...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Poopy Song
You put the poopy in the potty and not in the pants
You put the poopy in the potty and not in the pants
You put the poopy in the potty and not in the pants
' Cause poopy in the pants won't lead to romance.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Corn Update: Week 8 ... Plus, we finally meet the farmer
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Corn Update: Week 7 ... plus, a walk in the woods
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My people look good in the underpants hats.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Corn Update: Week 6 (and a visitor from the West)
Shila, Nana and Grandpa left on Saturday night. Sunday morning started cool and comfortable, but rain threatened from 8:00 on. Feeling a bit shut-in, we decided to press our luck and clean our section of the Constitution Trail. The trail was pretty clean and, with few bikes and runners out due to the impending storm, we were done quickly. This was good because not two minutes after we were back in the car the skies opened up and it poured the rest of the morning.
So we ran some of the errands we'd been meaning to get to, including getting Owen an new bicycle helmet. Owen and I ran into Target and found this ... a perfect design for our little guy.
He was very proud. And when we returned home, it had cleared and he got in some good pedaling before his nap.
All's well otherwise. Well, except we hate Verizon. But I'll share that rant only if they don't come to fix our phone line later today as promised (after 2.5 hours on the phone ... with someone likely from Surat, India, who himself was transferred three times trying to track down an answer for me after I complained at the four times I'd already been transferred).
(I just ranted there, didn't I?)
Wish us luck. And call us on our cells if you need us.