Does Owen own any shirts other than this yellow Iowa T? This picture was taken four days and (more importantly) one laundry cycle after the previous post ...
It is quite possibly his favorite shirt, though. And he does love his Hawkeyes. Or perhaps it would be better said that Owen's dad loves his Hawkeyes and Owen loves his dad.
I'll take that too.
We've had a good week Owen began his new day care on Tuesday. Amy drove him to Kim's house early so she could linger with him and help him with the transition. But when she put him down, he was off like a shot to play with the other kids and the many new toys. It sounded a little like a don't-let-the-door-hit-you-on-your-way-out moment for her, but how exciting that he likes his new place so much.
The week has been all about exploration. One of the real changes in the past couple of months is how in touch he is with his wants and needs to do the things he wants to do. Whether it's wrestling on the bed, playing in the neighbor's toy truck, sliding in the back yard, or lavishing further praise on the air conditioning unit, he's definitely harder to redirect than ever before. And, God knows, a toddler requires complete attention.
This means you ...
Our favorite new word of the week include "hoist," but the real highlights of the week have come from words being strung together. Counting from six to twelve (?) seems to hold great fascination. He can now also read one of his ABC books cover to cover, a talent which becomes especially cute at "J: Jack-in-the-box."
... or "Jack-a-box."
Happy Memorial Day weekend!